Urssaf Service Firmes Etrangères

Nominative social declaration


The nominative social declaration (‘Déclaration Sociale Nominative’ - DSN) is a monthly dematerialised transmission that brings together all pay elements and notifications of events (such as sickness). 


Specifically, it is a monthly file produced on the basis of pay that is meant to communicate the information necessary for managing the social protection of employees to the bodies and agencies concerned. This replaces all the regular or event-related declarations and administrative formalities required of employers in respect of the various parties concerned: CPAM, URSSAF, AGIRC-ARRCO, supplementary bodies, employment exchange (‘Pôle Emploi’), tax office, offices of special schemes, etc.


By using the DSN you reduce both risk of making a mistake and work involved in filling in a declaration. You can access the DSN site by clicking here.